Aditional Kick Information

If you we're kicked from the server then you have broken one of our server rules. This is a low severity punishment, Consider this a warning.

Kicked whilst connecting to the server.

If you we're kicked before you logged onto the server then you will recive a kick message.

Blocked Connection

If you we're kicked for blocked connection, then you are probably using a vpn or a proxy. In order to join the server you must disable it. This is for security reasons.

In game kicks

If you kicked in game. It was probably due to a staff observing bad behavior. Or it could be by our server anticheat.


If your kick reason is for cheating, that means a staff or the anticheat has detected the use of hacks. The anticheat kicks players to prevent false bans. Continue to cheat and you will be banned. However if you we're not cheating please continue playing as this may have been a mistake.


If you are kicked for toxicity, language, or anything similar. It is a warning by staff to tell you to stop. You may be muted or bannrd depending on the severity.